On Jul 29, 2011, at 6:25 AM, Oliver Beattie wrote:

> I need it to run at a specified point during the manifest though. The value 
> of the fact depends on a package being installed. And my config files depend 
> on the value of the fact. 
Rather than just conceptualize it - assume it works as you want and implement 
the custom fact (and pluginsync on the clients) and see what happens. If it is 
still a problem, provide us with the specific problem and someone will be able 
to give you a specific solution.

Perhaps the hardest thing to grasp about puppet is how to programmatically 
define subscribe/require/notify so that things happen in a sequence because it 
is a declarative language.

What I have found that works for me is to have a 'default' node setting that 
does only configure puppet (puppet.conf & install a sysv script for puppet 
because I am installing from gems) and force in a specific 
/etc/apt/sources.list file, add an apt 'key' for an extra debian source, then 
do an apt-get update/upgrade and stop.  At that point, I can define anything 
else I want for subsequent puppet agent runs and know that the custom 'facts' 
have been derived and can succeed.


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