
I'm use the continuous integration server Jenkins. It's deplyed as a
debian package on ubuntu. Puppet seems to have some issues restarting
the service. Actually when a 'refresh' is needed, the jenkins process
is killed but not restarted. Puppet does not log any failures
regarding the start command so I don't really know what's going on.
See the log below.
is there a way to get more info from Puppet? how to you change the log
level for instance?

Jul 25 05:04:21 dev-c3-ci-02 puppet-agent[12264]: (/Stage[main]/
Jenkins/Service[jenkins]) Triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
Jul 25 05:04:23 dev-c3-ci-02 puppet-agent[12264]: Finished catalog run
in 19.55 seconds
Jul 25 05:04:23 dev-c3-ci-02 jenkins: jenkins: client (pid 31805)
exited with 143 status

Also, I tried to explicitly set the start/stop commands in the service
definition, but I'm not really sure about my script. Could you please
review it. Here it is:

service { 'jenkins'
    enable      => true,
    ensure      => "running",
    start       => "/etc/init.d/jenkins start",
    stop        => "/etc/init.d/jenkins stop",
    require     => Package["jenkins"],

are the start/stop attribute correct? Any recommandations?

Thanks in advance for you help,


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