On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 11:00:51AM -0700, newguy wrote:
> Here are my Execs, sorry didnt pasted them in the first post:
>  exec {"Retrieve dump":
>                 cwd => "/var/www/r",
>                 command => "/usr/bin/wget http://xyz.com/asc.sql";,
>                 timeout => 360,
>                 require=>Class[subversion],
>         }
>         exec {"Get db":
>                 cwd => "/var/www/r",
>                 command => "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -ppapa < asc.sql",
>                 require =>Class[mysql],
>         }
> class mysql {
>         package { "mysql-server-5.1":
>                         ensure=>present,
>         require=>Class[vim],
>                 }
>         package {"mysql-client":
>                         ensure=>present,
>         require=>Class[vim],
>                 }
>        exec {"root password":
>                command=>"/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root PASSWORD papa",
>                require=>package["mysql-server-5.1"],
>        }
>         }

Try to run the command on the command line and check the error code

    # /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root PASSWORD papa
    # echo $?

What is the output of both commands? Then you should read the manual
what the returncode of 1 actually means. Normally a returncode that is
not zero indicates an error and that is why puppet complains. If a
returncode of 1 is actually expected when running mysqladmin you can
specify your resource with the returns parameter[1]

    exec { 'root password':
      command => '/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root PASSWORD papa',
      returns => '1', # or even returns => ['0','1'] to allow both
      require => Package['mysql-server-5.1'],

[1] http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/stable/type.html#returns-1


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