Sorry for the long delay in sending these out. For the last few weeks we've had an unusually high number of people out due to vacations and conferences, with the rest helping to meet a project deadline. Now that we're back to full strength we're ready to dive back into things.
There's a big shift in what our backlog looks like right now, but this really boils down to us bumping something to the front of the queue to take advantage of the skills of our newest team member. Cameron Thomas has just joined us as a contractor (we're hoping he'll decide to join us at the end of the contract), and he brings a wealth of experience developing for Windows (as well as plenty of experience with Linux, and mobile development). The current backlog is "Basic Puppet agent support on Windows". Currently this is a little nebulous, and primarily consists of things to research. We're planning on adding things we discover, and more concrete work we'll be doing as sub-tasks of the meta-ticket we currently have (#8268). As always, please don't be shy about watching & commenting on that ticket (or any of the sub-tickets that end up being created). Ready for testing backlog items: * #3669 - Support DNS SRV records I'd like to thank Andrew Forgue for doing a large part of the work on this feature, and getting the ball rolling to get this into Puppet. This is currently only available in a topic branch in my repository[1], and I would definitely appreciate any and all testing anyone cares to do with this feature. This adds two new configuration variables: * use_srv_records: Will attempt to lookup SRV records for hostname found in srv_record (default: true) * srv_domain: The domain that will be queried for SRV records, (default: $domain) If use_srv_records is set to true, then Puppet will attempt to find the list of servers to use from SRV records on the domain specified via srv_domain. The CA, report, and file servers can all be specified via independent SRV records from the SRV records to use for looking up the catalog server. The SRV records must be for hosts in the form: _x-puppet._tcp.$srv_domain _x-puppet-ca._tcp.$srv_domain _x-puppet-report._tcp.$srv_domain _x-puppet-fileserver._tcp.$srv_domain If no records are found for the _x-puppet-ca, _x-puppet-report, or _x-puppet-fileserver services , then the SRV records for the _x-puppet service. However, if records exist for any of the more specific services, Puppet will not attempt to use the _x-puppet service to find an applicable server. If Puppet is unable to connect to any of the servers specified in the SRV records, then it will attempt to connect to the "normal" servers settable via puppet.conf. [1] -- Jacob Helwig
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