On 07/05/2011 04:35 AM, Ken Barber wrote:
Whats wrong with using chained resources?
It doesn't scale.

Try expanding this (it is a slightly improved
proposal with block{} instead of order{}):

class c {

        block { "x":    # any order
                package { ... }
                file { "aaa": }
                exec { "bbb": }
                file { "ccc": }
                include foo
        block { "y":    # order matters
                $ordered => true  # default is false
                file { "ddd": }
                exec { "eee": }
                include baz
                file { "fff": }
        block { "z": # any order
                file { "ggg": }
                exec { "hhh": }
                file { "iii": }

        Block[ x ] -> Block[ y ] -> Block[ z ]


meaning all resources in x before any in y, then y in sequence,
before any in z


Now, you can rewrite this using class {} instead of block{}.
You probably have lots of classes in that style, and then you
sequence things with  Class[ a ] -> Class[ b ].  How many of
those classes only exist because there is no other block structure?

I submit that if you make a class, it should be sensible to include
it somewhere, as a class, representing something useful.
We need blocks so we don't go around abusing classes.


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