does /var/run/puppet  exist?


On 06/21/2011 12:30 PM, Craig White wrote:
I am using ruby-enterprise for ruby packages and gem for puppet/facter 
installation and I 'borrowed' the ubuntu sysv init scripts and they mostly work 
but for some reason, it won't stop the service as written but it will start.

For example, the 'puppet' script (obviously for puppetd) has the following...

stop_puppet() {
     start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE

# /etc/init.d/puppet restart
  * Restarting puppet configuration management tool
   Could not prepare for execution: Could not create PID file: 
                                             [ OK ]
Now the file does exist and apparently doesn't get deleted and the process is 
not killed as a result of that command and if I substitute 'killall puppetd' 
for the 'start-stop-daemon' command, it does actually work but it seems so 
inelegant and potentially a problem. The same sort of thing occurs with the 
puppetmaster sysv initscript and I've spent too much time with no better answer 
than substituting the 'killall puppetd|puppetmaster' and suspect that maybe the 
problem is that I have so little familiarity with ubuntu/debian and their sysv 

Anyone have a better suggestion than 'killall puppetd|puppetmaster' for the 
'stop' process?

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