On Jun 29, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Brian Gallew wrote:

> On Jun 29, 2011, at 9:05 AM, Nigel Kersten wrote:
>> I've long wanted the equivalent of a "conffile" in Puppet.
>> e.g. "replace this file if it's still the same as the one Puppet put down, 
>> but if it's been modified from the default, don't replace it"
>> I've wanted this in the past for things like a user .rc file, where you want 
>> to be able to continually update the default, but not throw away any 
>> customization the user may have done.
> SInce I support developer who sometimes want to control the conf files, and 
> sometimes want Puppet to control them, I created a define:
> define managed_file($source = undef, $content = undef) {
>  $pdir = inline_template("<%= name.reverse().split('/',2)[1].reverse() %>")
>  $basename = inline_template("<%= name.split('/')[-1] %>")
>  file {
>    "${name}-puppet":
>      source => $source, content => $content, ensure => present;
>    "${pdir}/README-${basename}":
>      ensure => present,
>      content => "${name} is managed by Puppet.\n\nIf you need to 
> edit\n${name}\nand have your changes persist, touch\n${name}.noupdate\nand 
> Puppet will ignore that file.  When you are done with your\ntesting, please 
> have your changes put in Puppet and delete the\n${name}.noupdate\nfile.  
> Thanks.\n\n";
>  }
>  exec {
>    "${name}-sync":
>      unless => "test -f ${name}.noupdate || cmp -s ${name} ${name}-puppet",
>      command => "/usr/local/bin/rsync -a ${name}-puppet ${name}",
>      require => File["${name}-puppet"];
>  }
> }
> And you use it like so:
> managed_file {
>  "${muledir}/lib/user/system-config.properties":
>    content => template("jboss/system-config.properties.erb"),
>    require => File["${muledir}/lib/user"],
>    notify => Service["/site/mule"];
> }
> That will create three files in ${muledir}/lib/user: 
> README-system-config.properties, system-config.properties-puppet, and 
> system-config.properties.  If one of the developers on a managed system needs 
> to hand-edit that file, they red the instructions in the README-* and simply 
> touch system-config.properties.noupdate.  Removing that file re-enables 
> Puppet management.  As a further benefit, they can trivially see what's going 
> to change when they remove the .noupdate file because the -puppet version 
> will always be Puppet-managed.
wow, this is a keeper for sure.

In my case, I have an encrypted binary file but I think you have given me the 
idea for instructing puppet to keep hands off



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