I shall try this inquiry again:

I installed the puppet module tool version 0.3.3 locally to my laptop.

I have installed ruby 1.9.2 on the laptop.  Surely by now, puppet and facter 
work with ruby 1.9.2?  They certainly seem to work well.

I have installed ruby using macports, and am using the +nosuffix option, 
which installes ruby as 'ruby' not 'ruby19'

I have attached the output from my attempt to run this tool to this message. 
 It appears as if there is a ruby error in puppet 2.6.8?  I'm unsure. 

Pls advise.

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Fetching: puppet-module-0.3.3.gem (100%)

  Thank you for installing puppet-module from Puppet Labs!

  * Usage instructions: read "README.markdown" or run `puppet-module usage`
  * Changelog: read "CHANGES.markdown" or run `puppet-module changelog`
  * Puppet Forge: visit http://forge.puppetlabs.com/
  * If you don't have Puppet installed locally by your system package
    manager, please install it with:

        sudo gem install puppet

Successfully installed puppet-module-0.3.3
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Installing RDoc documentation for puppet-module-0.3.3...
[root:8va:0:~ ]# rehash        
[root:8va:0:~ ]# puppet-module usage
 warning: class variable access from toplevel
 Invalid next (SyntaxError)

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