Can anyone comment / expand upon

I am experiencing a case which may be related. We have an ENC, and recently
on our twice daily noop runs from cron, puppet has reported some servers
aren't in sync because they do not have a certain module/class (dns_server)
even though they are not subscribed to the dns_server module in the ENC

I can't reproduce it from the command line (yay), so am stumped debugging
the issue, however, our dns_server module is not standard, and is probably
causing the screw up

% cat modules/dns_server/manifests/init.pp
import "*.pp"
include dns_server

% ls -l modules/dns_server/manifests
total 56
-rw-r--r--   1 warbjoh  unxadmin   22296 Mar 15 18:38 dns_server.pp
-rw-r--r--   1 warbjoh  unxadmin     489 Mar 15 18:38 init.pp

I have modified the module by renaming dns_server.pp to init.pp and hence
removing the "import *.pp"

I am now waiting to see if that has fixed the issue, but if it has (I
suspect it will), why and how does this happen?



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