On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Aaron Grewell <aaron.grew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I converted a set of classes from include/scope to use the parameterized
> syntax yesterday, and I ran into an odd behavior that might be considered a
> bug.  I defined a class somewhat like this but more complex:
> class vmware ( $pkg_list) {
>     package { $pkg_list:
>         ensure   => "installed",
>         provider => "yum",
>         require  => Yumrepo["vmtools","vmtools-updates"],
>     } # package
> } # class vmware
> And then called it like so:
> class {'vmware':
>     pkg_list => ['vmware-tools'],
>     yumPatchDate  => $yumPatchDate,
> }
> I ran this on the client and it did... nothing.  I almost generated an
> e-mail to this list about it but after pasting the example into the e-mail I
> realized my obvious error.  I removed the extra parameter from the call and
> then it worked fine.  My question is should this kind of mistake generate an
> error?  Given that no class 'vmware' is defined that accepts two parameters
> I would expect so.  Instead it just silently fails.  I'm using Puppet 2.6.6
> from EPEL so it's also possible that this has been fixed upstream somewhere
> and I'm just not aware of it.  It's also possible that there's some
> syntactical reason why there's no error, some way this could be valid if I
> was using a special  feature or code pattern.  Does this issue ring a bell
> for anybody?

Nope, it should generate invalid parameter error. I was not able to
reproduce in 2.6.8 or 2.6.6, both generated the appropriate error:

Invalid parameter yumPatchDate at ...

You probably have another implementation of this define supporting
this parameter that's getting autoloaded,



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