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The Swiss Puppet User Group (SPUG) meets again on Thursday 19th May.

If you like to attend the meeting, please announce your attendance to
Hanspeter Christ (hanspeter.christ(at)swisstopo.ch), as noted in the
announcement mail.

If you like to receive any future announcements, please subscribe to the
low traffic list s...@lists.saitis.net [1]


[1] http://lists.saitis.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spug

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After a short but recreative hibernation the SPUG meets again to
discuss, explore and share the interesting world of puppet managed
systems. We would like to invite you this time to the offices of
Swisstopo (Switzerland?s national cartography agency) in Bern. We set
the date right after the upcoming PuppetCamp [1] in Amsterdam, as
various people around the SPUG are attending the PuppetCamp and we
thought that it would be interesting if the attendees could report back
about what is going on in the wider puppet community.

So we meet on

Thursday 19. May
at 19.00 o'clock

at the offices of Swisstopo, which are located at

Seftigenstrasse 264 in Wabern near Bern. [2]

Arriving there is quite simple: Take Tram #9 in direction of Wabern and
drive till "Eichholz" or the final station "Wabern". The offices of
Swisstopo are located within these two stations. For detailed
information have a look at [2].

Attention: May 19th is a week later than a date that have been
previously leaked to a few people. So if you already knew about the
upcoming meeting, please adjust your calendar.

We would like to ask interested people to send a simple e-mail to
Hanspeter Christ (hanspeter.christ(at)swisstopo.ch) with the Subject
"Teilnahme spug meeting @swisstopo" to register their attendance.

Drinks and Snacks are provided.

Furthermore we are looking for people that would be willing to
present/discuss/share/ask/... something about their usage with puppet or
related tools, so we could have a few presentations to announce. This
can be in a very short manner, even only 30s presentation or a bit
longer ones, like 5 or a bit more minutes. Please send your presentation
idea to Marcel Härry (mh (at) scrit.ch), so we can announce them prior tothe
meeting. But it will also be possible to spontaneously give a lightning
talk at the meeting. A beamer and a Linux-based laptop will be available.

We can already announce a few short presentations:

Hanspeter Christ of Swisstopo will talk about how a puppet managed
infrastructure is seen from a IT Project Manager's point of view and
will share his experience in managing a team that completely automates
the infrastructure with puppet.

Another one will be held by Marc Fournier (Camptocamp SA). He will show
how to use the cucumber testing framework to refactor your manifests and
change Puppet versions without becoming insane.

Marcel Härry (Puzzle ITC) will talk about the new introduced Ruby-DSL
of Puppet and a use case where the Ruby-DSL provided more flexibility
than the common external Puppet-DSL.

Yet to be confirmed, Mathieu Bornoz (Camptocamp SA) would like to show us
how he hooked a CouchDB CMDB to Puppet to be able to create/edit/remove
resources properties without having to edit manifests.

If you have further questions do not hesitate to ask on the
SPUG-List ( spug (at) lists.saitis.net ). If you haven't done so, please
subscribe to this low-traffic list, where we will also announce further

Information about this meeting is also available on http://spug.ch/

Cu there!

Hanspeter Christ, Marc Fournier and Marcel Härry
for the SPUG

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