On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 17:34, Peter Meier <peter.me...@immerda.ch> wrote:

>> I am playing with snakeyaml and trying to use a custom class to parse
>> yaml returned by puppet as mentioned in
>> http://code.google.com/p/snakeyaml/wiki/Documentation#Custom_Class_Loader
>> But I am not sure how to deal with "--- !ruby/object:Puppet::Run:" and
>> "!ruby/sym report: !ruby/object:Puppet::Transaction::Report"
>> These seem to be ruby specific.
> afair you should be able to just strip that off, before pass it to the
> yaml reader. There have been some discussion about that on the list and
> I think this was the solution.

*nod*  The two tags are: '!ruby/sym' which identifies a "symbol" in
Ruby.  Translating it as a string should be more than satisfactory for
most practical purposes.  The other identifies a specific Ruby object;
you might want to model that as a Java object, or just treat it as a
pool of data – whatever works for you.

If you lost both those YAML type tags you really wouldn't loose much

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