On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Sriramu Singaram
<sriramus....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am using Puppet 2.6.5 on my Master and Client.
> My /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp looks like this:
> import "nodes/*"
> import "templates"
> import "nodes"
> I have a templates.pp file with a "class baseclass {...}" in it and
> nodes.pp file that looks like this:

Put it in a module, don't ab^H^Huse import to load classes/defines. I
would keep import to only files that contain node definition.

> node 'default' {
>  include baseclass
> }

Verify on the puppet master the manifests are working as expected
first before you try client/server. Normally you should write a test
manifest, but in this case since it's in the default node, simply run
puppet apply site.pp --noop to verify it's detecting baseclass.

> The very first time when I start the puppet agent on the client it
> creates a certificate on the master and applies the catalog for the
> default node.
> I then have a script file on the master that creates a new catalog
> specific to the client node inside the nodes/ directory and executes a
> puppet kick to the client.
> The puppet kick finishes with status success and exit code 0 on the
> master. However when I look at the puppet logs on the client it doesnt
> seem to have picked up the new catalog at all and but says:
> triggered run
> Finished catalog in 3.02 seconds.
> It looked like it was only applying the cached catalog rather than the
> newly created one inside the nodes/ directory. This even after trying
> and executing puppet kick multiple times.
> So I then tried doing "touch site.pp" before doing puppet kick in my
> script file and then it seemed to pick my new catalog.

You should not need to do that. There's a buggy behavior on passenger
where you may need to run puppet agent twice:

> Is there any reason for this behavior?...do we need to make sure that
> the site.pp file is changed everytime a new catalog is applied?

No, puppet will auto detect changes to puppet manifests and compile a
new catalog.



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