On Apr 27, 2011, at 11:26 AM, John Kennedy wrote:

> I am trying to serve some files though Puppet. I have configured 
> fileserver.conf on the Puppet master:
> # Configuration
> [configuration]
> path /etc/puppet/manifests/files/configuration/%H
> # Modules
> [modules]
> allow *.example.co.uk
> I know I need to configure the client to look for the files. I have read the 
> docs and I have come up with the following snippet to retrieve a test file:
> file { "/home/newlook/text.jck":
>       mode => 400,
>       owner => root,
>       group => root,
>       source => puppet:////etc/puppet/manifests/files/configuration \ 
> /host/test.jck
> }
> Where host is the FQDN of the client.
> Where does this little snippet need to go on the client? Does it get a 
> section in puppet.conf? Do I need a fileserver.conf file on the client with 
> this in it?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> -- 
> John Kennedy

Alright.  You're under a few misconceptions.  First, the normal, and 
recommended was to serve files is through a module.  This requires no changes 
to any "*.conf" files and is quick and painless.  If you need the features 
you're using, here's an example from my config to get you started:

        file { "/etc/openvpn/server.conf":
                owner => "root",
                group => "root",
                mode => 644,
                source => "puppet:///private/openvpn/server.conf",

        path /etc/puppet/private/%d/%h
        allow *

File location:

Because the path is changed per-client, I don't need access restrictions.
There's 3 not 4 slashes in the URL.
The local path is invisible to the client, and the client can't see that in the 

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