On 04/25/2011 04:32 PM, pzi wrote:
> Since most of the puppet activity is done on the root filesystem one
> cool way to do it would be to use root ZFS on solaris or LVM on linux
> and take a snapshot of that root filesystem before puppet run - then
> rollback if needed.

I don't think that will fly - typically, you won't be able to just
rewind a production machine to an arbitrary past state. I'm inclined to
consider the occasions where you actually can do that as edge cases.

> On Apr 25, 5:59 am, Mohamed Lrhazi <lrh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thinking about the "change" and the "reverted to change" as two
>> different machine states, that both need to be coded in Puppet, is
>> definitely right answer, I am starting to understand. No way puppet
>> could figure out what how to get to the previous state.
>> In my case I think all our initial changes, as we add more and more to
>> puppet, will have a puppet-less 'revert" procedure:
>> - Change via puppet.
>> - Revert (the old way)t:
>>   for host in hosts:
>>      ssh to host
>>      run command1
>>      run command2....

I can conceivably see use cases where that approach is much simpler and
less error-prone than maintaining roll-back code in puppet.

Just my 2c,

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