
I try to create a user account for example test1 and set the password
for it. Both puppet master and client are CentOS 5.5.

My code on master:

class localaccountmgmt {
        user { 'test1':
        allowdupe => 'true',
        ensure => 'present',
        gid    => '60',
        home   => '/opt/home/test1',
        shell  => '/bin/bash',
        uid    => '120',
        managehome => 'true',
        password => '$1$E/GiXjje$cd3/noPMwSCtyaD9QFG0s0'

        group { 'group1':
        ensure => 'present',
        gid    => '10',
        members => 'test1,test2,test3, test4'

The password is a encrypted version of the real password that I copied
from the /etc/shadow for the same user from another machine.

I restarted puppet daemon from my puppet test client. the test1 user
and its home directory and group group1 are created successfully. But
the password is not working. And the group group1 does not have any

Does anyone have the problem before? Is this some problem with puppet

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