I use the IP address to generate a 32bit integer for the server_id for
my Mysql configs.

server_id = <%= ipaddress.split('.').inject(0) {|total,value| (total
<< 8 ) + value.to_i} %>

Would something like that work in your case?


On Apr 15, 7:30 am, Rob McBroom <mailingli...@skurfer.com> wrote:
> Details below, but the essential problem is this: I need to take a list of 
> hostnames and assign an integer for each one and ensure that the integer “is 
> non-negative and is no more than three decimal digits in length”. I’d prefer 
> that the each hostname lead to the same integer every time. I’ve never 
> written anything in Ruby before yesterday, so anyone with more experience 
> have any ideas?
> Boring details: I’m trying to set up replication between LDAP servers. Each 
> one has to have a unique integer assigned. Details for all of our nodes are 
> stored in LDAP, so when the template is applied to a node, I can have it get 
> a list of servers that it should be syncing with by searching for something 
> like 
> “(&(classification=ldap)(environment=#{environment})(!(status=inactive*)))”.
> Things I’ve considered so far:
> 1. Just keep a counter as you loop through the list of servers and use that 
> as the ID. The problem is, if I remove a server from the list (which I am 
> planning to do soon), the numbers will be reassigned and depending on when 
> each server checks in with the Puppetmaster, there’s a good chance that two 
> servers could think they have the same ID.
> 2. Use regex replacements on the hostname. Our hostnames are all in the 
> format x-xxxx-ldap-01. I could just take the integer part of the name and 
> then add something to it based on the value of environment, but then I’d have 
> to assume the hostname format will never change. Political nonsense is common 
> around here, so I don’t want to rely on that.
> What I really need is something like an MD5 sum of each hostname, but the 
> resulting numbers are obviously way too big.
> Thanks.
> --
> Rob McBroom
> <http://www.skurfer.com/>

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