I have the same requirement to install Sun JDK, not openJDK.  Below is
the module I am using.  I would be grateful for suggestions on how
this install can be done better.

Thank you,

class java {

    package {"java-1.6.0-openjdk":
        ensure  =>  absent,

    exec {"java_install":
        cwd     =>  "/opt",
        command =>  "/usr/bin/yes | /opt/share/downloads/java/jdk-6u24-
        creates =>  "/opt/jdk1.6.0_24/COPYRIGHT",
        require =>  Package["java-1.6.0-openjdk"],

    file {"/usr/bin/java":
        ensure  =>  "/opt/jdk1.6.0_24/bin/java",
        require =>  Exec["java_install"],


On Apr 12, 3:55 pm, Shi <jinzish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am new to Puppet and am writing my first module to manage our
> cluster. So far, it worked out reasonably well. I can add yum
> repositories and install packages with Puppet automatically.
> However, one package requires the use of Sun JDK, not the openjdk
> coming with CentOS.
> The only way to do this is to download the jdk-6u24-linux-x64-rpm.bin
> file and run it.
> I figure I might be able to use something like
> package {jdk:
>     source="/mnt/share/jdk-6u24-linux-x64-rpm.bin",
>     ensure => installed;
>   }
> I guess I could put the file under the shared NFS /mnt/share. But
> there is no way I can tell puppet to simply run the source as an
> executable. All the PROVIDER options are for a particular format, such
> as RPM or DEB. I guess I could run the file once on one machine, and
> it will extract the rpms. I could then just use the rpms, but that is
> less than ideal.
> Also, if I don't want to pre-mount the NFS share, is there any way to
> scp the file from the master node? Do I then have to set up ssh
> without password for the root?
> Thank you very much.
> Shi

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