
All puppet clients PCs are Ubuntu 10.04lts and have membership in
Samba/LDAP domain.
Puppet server is the member of Samba/LDAP domain also.
It's possible to log on as any domain user to Puppet server.
So :) The problem:

We'd like to start tasks with rights and environment of logged user. We
need to have at every user's crontab such string
0 * * * * /home/scripts/changepic.sh


part of "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf"

ldapserver = dc=imexgroup,dc=loc
ldapbase = ou=people,dc=imexgroup,dc=loc
ldapuser = cn=admin,dc=imexgroup,dc=loc
ldappassword = password

part of "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp"

cron { "set_wallpaper":
command => "/home/scripts/changepic.sh",
user => $username,
hour => "0",
minute => "*"

As far as I understand smth is wrong with syntax in cron "user =>

Will you be so kind to assist with this problem

regards, Max Kamensky
icq: 29258337
skype: maxkamensky

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