Hi all,

i try to run a puppet-setup that is not based on hostnames, but facts
i supply to facter. The idea is described here
but a basic example would be

if has_role("loadbalancer") {
      include loadbalancer::service
    } else {
      # Otherwise, this machine is not a loadbalancer
      include loadbalancer::remove

How am i able to bring this together with parameterized classes? For
instance this will complain about redefinition of class 'haproxy'.

class haproxy ($conf = "puppet:///modules/haproxy/proxy.conf") {

if has_role("loadbalancer") {
      class { 'haproxy': conf => "puppet://modules/haproxy/conf1" }
    } else {
      class { 'haproxy': conf => "puppet://modules/haproxy/conf2" }

How can i "import" parameterized classes? Is there a work-around?

I am quiet new to puppet, so if i missed the obvious or google
keywords, please point me to the right direction.

Regards, Jens

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