This release addresses a large number of issues and adds lots of new
functionality, including:

  * Inventory Service Lookup

    - The node view page will now retrieve and display the node's facts
      from the inventory service.

    - There is a "Custom Query" page which will search the inventory
      service for nodes meeting particular conditions.

    Preliminary documentation for this feature will be available at:

    Finalized documentation will be available in the near future on the
    main documentation site:

  * Settings

    - Many settings may now be specified in config/settings.yml. Copy
      the config/settings.yml.example (which provides fallback defaults)
      to get started.

    - Changing a setting will currently require a server restart to take

  * Inspect Report Handling

    - Dashboard can now consume and display inspect reports.

  * Filebucket integration

    - Dashboard can now display file contents and diffs from a specified
      Puppet filebucket.

  * Lots of UI and speed improvements

  * Better support for reports

    - Now supports 2.6 reports and inspect reports

  * Preliminary support for user-made plugins

  * Improved Class/Group/Parameter dependency reporting and handling

  * Log rotation

*IMPORTANT* Things to note about the 1.1.0 release of Dashboard:

  1.  Reports will need to be converted to a new schematized format when
  upgrading (#5459).  Rather than just storing reports as serialized
  YAML in the database as is currently done in v1.0.4, they are now in a
  set of tables that allows them to be queried more easily and faster.
  This conversion can be a slow process if you have a long history of
  reports, so it's not done as part of `rake db:migrate`.  Instead,
  there is a rake task (#5535) that will do the conversion for you,
  converting newer reports first and able to be resumed if it's
  interrupted just by rerunning it.

  `rake reports:schematize`

  Also worth noting is the `rake reports:prune` task that can prune
  older reports that you don't care about, which will make this
  conversion much faster.  Run the rake task without arguments to see
  documentation for how to specify how far back to prune.

  2.  The new inventory service portion of Dashboard only works if
  you're running the newest version of Puppet (2.6.7 which is releasing

This release is available for download at:

See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:

Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site, using an
affected version of 1.1.0:

v1.1.0 Changelog
e786ea3 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.1.0rc3
2d4d3da Updated VERSION for 1.1.0rc3
29969d7 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.1.0rc2
af1a006 (#6835) Handle malformed facts from Puppet 2.6.7 & storedconfigs
520a02d Update CHANGELOG and version for 1.1.0rc1
3817aa5 maint: Add missing CHANGELOG entries for 1.0.3 to 1.0.4
1fcfc01 (#6736) Provide Mutex, avoid an error.
95f97fb maint: Move inventory section lower on the node page
8629962 (#4403) Do timezone arithmetic outside of the DB in the Status model
614655c Remove dead code from Status model
849f2de Validate the user supplied daily_run_history_length
118962b (#6656) Inventory service is no longer experimental.
90e0624 (#6601) Inventory search uses the new inventory URL
fb55499 (#5711) Change license from GPLv3 to GPLv2
68b335e (#5234) Source of silk icons attributed, per author's license
d3d1528 Maint: Moved logic for identifying inspect reports into a callback.
c2fe255 Maint: removed bogus comments from _report.html.haml
81b8a04 Maint: Moved elements of the report "show" view into callbacks.
2b91838 Maint: Moved elements of the node "show" view into callbacks.
cc95431 Maint: Forbid uninstalled plugins from adding themselves to hooks.
169d275 Maint: Add plug-in install and uninstall rake tasks
d4d0b00 Maint: removed db/schema.rb
5f6614d Maint: Removed some private methods in the report model that are part 
of baseline functionality.
db663a5 Maint: remove code that belongs in the "baseline" module.
5be1f0f maint: Added log dir to version control
93857f0 Maint: Add puppet plugins to .gitignore
1197e8a Bug fix: renamed each_hook and find_first_hook to *_callback
cbfde3d Remove some forgotten baseline code
2b4f9eb Add some basic hooks for use by future Dashboard plug-ins.
c9ff13e Add a registry for creating hooks and callbacks.
a40e6c9 Oops: Remove report baseline functionality
fd7f799 Rename baseline-diff-report CSS classes and IDs to be expandable-list
161e0da (#6090) Improved auto-selection of "specific baseline".
035aa17 (#6072) Moved baseline inspection link underneath "Recent Inspections"
613a465 (#6095) Render proper error messages when diffing against a baseline 
that can't be found
ea2368f (#6069) Fixed unique ids in the report group diff view.
3426763 maint: Use new factory_girl syntax to improve a test
1862966 maint: Refresh the vendored gem specifications
79a23c9 maint: replace object_daddy with factory_girl
b6b17e5 maint: Fix a case where the alphabetically first baselines may not 
f5d0bbe Maint: Moved colorbox.css and image files to be compatible with 
production environment
989fb4a (#5869) Extract baseline selector into a partial
f666476 (#5869) Add new baseline selector to the node group page
5e0d448 (#5869) Rework the baseline selector for report show page
6fef8e7 (#5869) Add a /reports/baselines action to retrieve baselines
5e7f8cb maint: add a view test to motivate reverting diff expand_all
f5ac259 maint: Added combobox widget, to replace autocomplete plugin
9da052f maint: upgraded jquery-ui to 1.8.9
80c182c Maint: Add JQuery UI animation to expand/collapse widgets.
efefe3d (#6024) Show filebucket popup on diff screen, too
1c3c134 (#6024) Click md5s to popup file bucket contents on reports
f1bed8f maint: Privatize string helper
2112ba1 (#5865) Further improvements and bug fixes to the "search inspect 
reports" page
d0cda86 Revert "Maint: Removed show_expand_all_link variable"
57589a4 (#5785) Removed some redundancy from report view.
353998f Maint: Removed show_expand_all_link variable
de8ee46 (#5867) Add ability to diff a node_group against a single baseline
7ca4d59 (#5867) Only show baseline comparison UI when there are baselines
43e45d4 (#5867) Order nodes by name on node_group diff-against-baseline page
475c5b5 (#5171) Added a user interface for viewing file content differences
3bd69e9 (#5865) Rework search reports page
4f752f4 (#5866) Get a consolidated report for baseline diffs in a group
1dba2cf (#5866) Split dividing diff into pass and fail into a method
e2c2d9a maint: Fixing bad view logic related to enable_read_only_mode
90d9fe1 maint: Remove unused, user related views
7cd677d (#5880) Renamed diff_summary to diff now that there is a single view 
for all diffing.
583880f (#5880) Redesigned UI for diffing inspect reports
68657bd (#5865) Search for files differing from the expected checksum
cca236b (#5171) Allow Dashboard to contact a file bucket server for file diffs
ff1d4de Maint: made PuppetHttps.get handle errors
9bf6803 Maint: check that report deserialization fills in change_count
459e588 (#5900) Added missing migration
3caf9e3 (#5900) Added support for the resource status "failed" attribute in 
e5d5f9b (#5889) Add pagination to the file search page
7cd5d39 (#5863) Inspect report search defaults to only searching the most 
recent report
2ca98d4 (#5863) inspect and apply reports are allowed to happen at the same 
025de25 (#5863) rename latest_report to latest_apply_report
34ba970 maint: Add the certs directory to .gitignore
9c71d31 (#5874) Git rid of unused assignments and services tables and models
554cc21 (#5744) Change large columns from string to text
54421c8 (#5864) Display "no results" if a file search returns an empty list.
8d76938 (#5861) Make a enable_read_only_mode setting
48c04cf maint: Remove redundant will_paginate plugin, and just use the gem
4c1a5e8 maint: Fetch metrics all at once on reports index page
862235c maint: Make pagination only appear when needed
bcd85dd (#5540) Inspect reports no longer affect the status of a node
2b4a664 (#5540) Make run time chart only consider 'apply' reports
faa7251 (#5540) Make daily run status chart only consider 'apply' reports
e0ffd79 (#5540) Do not allow 'apply' reports to be made baselines
5b56960 (#5540) Split report tables into inspect and apply
9cd5a5a (#5540) Require a kind for reports
c5af8e5 (#5172) Add link to reports search page
85aedfc (#5172) Add a page for searching reports
3e1e241 (#5172) Add a route and controller action for searching reports by file 
f05d3ea (#5172) Add scopes for finding resource_statuses by file title/content
bf00c35 (#5743) Fix problems with supporting report_format 2
890c0b6 (#5743) Added resource_statuses' skipped attribute to the database.
3a151f7 (#5743) Added a test to verify that failed reports don't have a bogus 
time/total metric added to them when they are transformed from format 1 to 2.
cc17ae0 (#5743) Cleaned up code for detecting status of reports when 
translating format 1 to format 2.
c3ed82f (#5743) Made the report format 1->2 transformer convert metric names to 
360b896 (#5743) Removed tags from resource_events, since they were redundant.
7f25ea8 (#5743) Added audited and historical_value to the schema for reports 
and updated the report format 1->2 transformer to create these attributes.
bf26cc6 (#5743) Removed source_description from resource_statuses and events in 
both the report hashes and in the database.
e7f0102 (#5743) Removed resource_type and title from to_hash for format 0 and 1 
reports, added to the format 1->2 report transformer.
5677d56 (#5743) Added out_of_sync_count to the schema and to the 1->2 report 
5c3febf (#5743) Tested that the report format 1->2 transformation converts kind 
39331ff (#5743) Tested that the report format 1->2 conversion sets 
puppet_version properly.
2a7b3c2 (#5743) Test that the format 1->2 report transformation handles 
configuration_version properly.
a100e8f (#5743) Added to the report version 0->1 transformation to add puppet 
version information to logs.
d9ec962 (#5743) Created the mixins for interpreting reports in format 2.
fafa062 (#5743) Removed kind, configuration_version, and puppet_version from 
the hash reperesentation of version 1 reports, since these reports don't 
contain those attributes.
f0f4bd1 (#5743) Changed resource_statuses to be represented as a hash 
internally while transforming reports.
73f62c4 (#5743) Added log version to the hash for version 0 and 1 reports.
36f3d3b (#5743) Added resource_status version to the hash for format 1 reports.
4cbe8e5 (#5743) Removed kind, puppet_version, and configuration_version from 
the hash generated from format 1 reports, since those fields are not present in 
format 1 reports.
665c67d (#5743) Removed dead code.
089c37e (#5743) Add puppet_version, configuration_version, and kind to the 0->1 
report transformer.
4bae7ff (#5743) Remove kind, puppet_version, and configuration_version from the 
hash generated by 0.25.x reports, since those fields weren't present in 0.25.x 
87be419 Prep work for #5743.  Test version and status inference.
346d597 Prep for work on #5743.  Removed all pending spec tests.
627612c (#5725) Update schema.rb to reflect the removal of the user table
98813af maint: report title is a partial
723b369 (#5174) Colorize diffs
beeb45c (#5174) Unchanged resources appear on diff page
a004a65 (#5174) UI to choose a baseline to diff against
1e72aa4 (#5174) named scope to find baseline reports
88cac05 (#5174) added named scopes to separate apply and inspect reports
5338ace (#5174) add images for baseline and inspect
91f74a1 (#5174) make_baseline action is exposed in UI
9cf443a maint: 2.6 reports should respect @kind if they have it
a9251c4 (#5174) Node has a Baseline Report
52ab849 (#5739) Removing unused vendored plugin resources_controller
50efbba (#5739) Removing unused vendored gem stringex
686115b (#5739) Removing unused vendored gem has_scope
5d6b148 (#5739) Removing unused vendored plugin jrails
ed3285a (#5725) Remove user related code
a5a4140 Fix #5573.  Diff now handles missing resources/properties.
5e2e060 (#5493) Use the hash version of reports to create Reports
02ae643 (#5493) Implemented ReportTransformer to bring reports to the latest 
4a959fd (#5493) Added Puppet::Transaction::Report#to_hash method
5d4ad28 maint: Don't recommend development head for installation
4c279f2 (#5535) Rake task to migrate old database yaml to the new reports schema
9343788 (#5543) Fix rake reports:import task
c3232ac maint: group create_from_yaml tests
191d8a9 maint: Remove dead metric view code.
5012cbf maint: Get rid of generate_for usage and method
26f8412 (#5459) Use method
73179fb (#5459) Correctly retrive total_time
dbe0958 (#5459) Fix rake db:seed to use new create_from_yaml
bbd0a39 (#5459) Modify the slow success migration not to be slow
200800b (#5459) Handle errors in report upload
a68cd27 (#5459) Added a test of
b4c6166 (#5459) Added a test of importing 0.25 reports
027c914 (#5459): Make create_from_yaml transactional
b0d651c (#5459) Convert from yaml in the report column to a schema
32717c3 maint: removed unnecessary REPORTS_META constant
fe3db03 maint: Rename failed? and changed? to not conflict with ActiveRecord 
bd5f4aa maint: remove unused formats for reports/nodes
8b6557a (#5361) Add a new /reports/upload URL, and optionally disable old url
810cd6a (#5170) Screens for diff and diff summary
edca51f (#5174) Add a method to allow reports to be diffed
6ea9305 (#4972) Add Rake task for creating the release tar-balls
271fa63 (#5116) Add spec for PagesController#home
55817ed (#5116) Fixed unreported nodes displaying as recently-reported
2b2a34d (#5116) Add specs for hiddenness
10e79c7 (#5116) Add ability to hide nodes
d0c1fa3 (#5379) Reset SETTINGS to defaults before every test
20beefa maint: Fix HTML table structure
b182574 Feature #5142 Per-Page parameter
796f83b Maint: Removed accidental duplication in Debian packaging
609f7ff (#5116) Clean up specs for NodeController
210d6a2 Added Ubuntu dist to changelog to update packaging
9805a7a Feature #5117: custom_logo_url will replace the Puppet Dashboard logo
9debd16 (#4623) Sort timeline_events in the order they were created
3c48dad (#4623) Define comparator for NodeGroup and NodeClass
d837e01 maint: Suppress ActiveSupport deprecation warnings
2ebcfd2 maint: Remove useless test
001c9c6 (#5120) Disable editing nodes when external node classification is 
9f5a081 maint: Remove dead code and cleanup whitespace
e3010ac (#4401) Modified status query to use the Rails time zone
6b2143f (#4601) Fixes table rendering on group/class/node pages
6605aea (#4661) Fix broken specs for shared behaviors
ad7a1c1 (#4661) Classes/groups/nodes are now sorted appropriately
c0080fe (#4605) Renamed date_format setting to datetime_format and added 
separate date_format.
11e883a (#4475) Fixed documentation for passing environment variables to the 
external node script
66207f4 maint: Fix setting dependent spec
d2b37e4 (#4605) Fix timezone issues with chart grouping and start
0db778d (#4605) Allow date_format to be set in settings.yml
bc12011 (#4605) Tests for the time_zone setting
047510b (#4605) Added Time zone setting to settings.yml.
8748389 (#3435) Fix broken migration
3f5b59f (#5278) Settings will now individually fallback to values in 
faf7612 (#5278) Remove unused arguments to
a00b741 (#5278) Rename settings-sample.yml to setting.yml.example
3d9dda0 (#5278) Add specs for existing settings functionality
47c88f5 Refine #4475 Add environment variables for all external_node settings
1b9639a Feature #4475 Configurable URL in external_node script
fa14898 (#4881) Added daily_run_history_length setting
080912a (#4881) Add a spec for the daily run history partial
3805872 (#3435) Add Node model stub to make migration safer
7f0ab7b (#4474) Add setting to disable node classification
7f4d692 Maint: Move "Local-branch:" info below "---"
37218fb (#4874) Add setting for no_longer_reporting_cutoff
1cff89c (#3435) Reports now have "changed/unchanged" as statuses
07ccbc4 Maint: add "Local-branch:" info to mails sent by "rake mail_patches"
506190f (#4345) Modified README to include workaround for Puppet bug #5244.
6dc4b0c maint: require activesupport from config/environment.rb
806aa69 (#4553) Add log rotation to config/environment.rb
44f27c6 (#4620) Never reported nodes are not considered failing
3b4a218 (#5104) Failed catalog compiles now report as failed
2fd983a (#4636) Add file/line to log and event messages
ba91e32 (#4514) Add table of resource events to report view
3b6061c (#4514) Support total time for 2.6 reports
b9cf649 (#4514) Support config retrieval time for 2.6 reports
5e1ec78 (#4688) Update README to explain SSL configuration
f145e31 (#4688) Add HTTPS support to bin/external_node
5aeb60f maint: rename cert rake tasks to be in the "cert" namespace
fe2cc2b (#4688) Include example SSL settings for apache
4f45405 Maint: Remove delegation from PuppetHttps to Settings
c0cf881 (#4688) Get CA cert and CRL list as part of cert rake tasks
254397f (#3531) Moved node/group methods to NodeGroupGraph
ba93b70 (#3531) Rename "list" methods and remove unused methods/files
cadccc4 (#3531) Don't leave source for params/groups/classes blank
d831eaf (#3531) Remove unused NodeGroupCycleError file
854b7e2 (#3531) Show sources for nodes/group/classes/parameters
7322d79 (#3531) Add helper methods for dealing with the node group graph
35042e0 (#5199) Add setting to disable the inventory service features
1c1c097 (#5133) Document auth.conf security for inventory service
c1e6b88 (#2986) Add node search based on facts
8391463 (#2933) Add missing partial for facts
62409a3 (#2933) Add table of facts to node pages
053319e Tightened up permissions on the public/private key pair that is used to 
contact the master.
263f2b0 (#4604) Dashboard now has a place for site-specific settings
e193f9f (#5133) Made Dashboard able to fetch node facts from inventory REST API.
a196fd2 (#5149) Added rake tasks to manage certificate and public/private key 
dfb7b1b (#4880) Fixed validation of new reports
1e43615 [#4541] Route to nodes using id instead of name.

Jacob Helwig

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