On Apr 4, 2011, at 8:26 AM, Randall Hansen wrote:

> On Apr 4, 2011, at 4:03 AM, FRLinux wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Patrick <kc7...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Then the db:raw:optimize command will actually be able to shrink the DB.
>>> Note, that attribute will cause all tables to be stored in separate files.
>> Nice one, thanks for all the replies, I have a responsive dashboard
>> once again :)
> Steph & Patrick ~
> We're aware of some performance problems in Dashboard and are keen to fix 
> them.  How much data do you have?  How many nodes?  How many unresponsive?  
> What's your update interval?  At what point does it start to fall over?

I'm using Passenger for the puppetmaster+storedconfigs and for dashbaord.
processor0 => Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz

I've currently got 77147 reports

I've got about 80 hosts.
runinterval = 1800

I found that upgrading to dashboard 1.0.4 gave me huge performance gains.

I found that turning on a 24MB query cache in mysqld gave me some moderate 
performance gains too.  I assume this is because the results for the sidebar 
are cached, but this is mostly baseless speculation.

The load time on the first page is usually around 2-2.5 seconds.  Any page 
after that takes around 1.5 seconds to load the first time, and about 0.7 
seconds if called again "soon".  I don't know what "soon" is except that it can 
be longer than 5 seconds, and doesn't apply a day later.  The query cache might 
mean some data is out of date.  I don't know how mysql works, but I don't need 
realtime updates.  Just reports on the last week.

I always found that using Webrick was often painfully slow.  I'm guessing that 
this is because I either got "suck behind" a puppetmaster uploading its report, 
or that I wasn't able to load all the little files (images, etc.) very fast.

I am using RubyEE.

My reports.ibd is 908MB.

Anything else that would help?

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