On Apr 3, 12:10 pm, Jean Baptiste FAVRE
<jean.baptiste.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> Working further with puppet, I need to be able to graph both nodes and
> class dependencies to be able to diagnose issues and/or redundancies.
> Currently, activating graph allows me to get ressources/dependencies
> graphs per client.
> But I would like to highlight nodes dependenxies as well.
> Is there any way to get a global "node-centric" graph ?
> If yes, how: server-side, client-side, both ?

I strongly recommend that you approach this problem in a different
way: flatten your node graph.  Deep node inheritance hierarchies are
likely to cause you pain, largely because nodes sets do not typically
admit a single, definitive taxonomy.  I recommend at most two levels,
including the level of your default node, if any.  Your Puppet
manifest development will be more productively directed, and as a
bonus, with a flat node hierarchy you have little need for a node

I observe also that you don't need dynamic graphing of node
dependencies anyway, because all the inheritance tree is declared
statically, and does not vary by node.  Nevertheless, you should be
able to use the resource graph to flag which node declaration(s) are
being evaluated:

node N_default{
    include C_a;
    include C_b;
    notify { "node N_default": message => "I am an N_default" }

node N_mynode inherits N_default {
    include C_c;
    notify { "node N_mynode": message => "I am an N_mynode" }

This will produce messages in the client logs (possibly useful for
debugging), but more importantly, it should introduce top-level, node-
type-specific resources into your resource graph.


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