I am going to use parameterized class together with extlookup, where
extlookup is used to provide different parameter value for different node
based on extlookup_precedence, the parameterized class needs to be declared
once in parent node, any issues you could forsee with this plan?

- Hai

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:47 AM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org>wrote:

> On Mar 21, 7:10 am, Guillaume Rousse <guillomovi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Le 21/03/2011 10:56, Guillaume Rousse a crit :> Le 18/03/2011 19:15,
> jcbollinger a crit :
> > >> If you have many nodes with various small differences between them,
> > >> then perhaps it's time to look into an external node classifier.
> > > If I'm understand correctly, this just move the problem elsewhere
> > > (potentially making it easier to solve), as the classifier will have to
> > > manage parameters overriding itself.
> >
> > I just found a potential answer in list archive:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/puppet-users@googlegroups.com/msg11122.html
> >
> > The subtility is not to call the defined resource a second time, but to
> > refers to it:
> > Broken["message"] { value => "not " }
> > instead of
> > broken ( "message": value => "not" } }
> Yes, this is resource overriding, which I mentioned earlier.  It can
> be done only in a subclass of the class containing the definition of
> the resource in question.  Inasmuch as the OP remarked that they
> wanted to avoid subclasses, I think they are aware of this option and
> find it unsuitable.
> > I just tried the same example with parameterized classes, it doesn't
> work:
> >
> > node default                    { class { message: value => ""     } }
> > node "beria" inherits "default" { Class[message] { value => "not " } }
> > class message($value)           { notice("This is ${value}broken") }
> >
> > So, defined type seems still more flexible than parameterized classes.
> Parameterized classes are not resources any more than ordinary classes
> are, syntax similarity notwithstanding.  You cannot override the
> parameters of a parameterized class.
> Defined types are effectively custom resource types written in the
> Puppet DSL instead of in Ruby.  Resources of such types behave like
> resources of any built-in or custom type, so among other things, their
> parameters can be overridden via subclasses.
> I don't think it's fair to say that defined types are more flexible
> than parameterized classes, because the two features aren't on the
> same level.  On the other hand, I think that parameterized classes do
> receive more attention than they deserve.  They solve certain
> problems, but they also have limitations that plain classes do not
> have.  In particular, ordinary classes' idempotency and support for
> multiple inclusion constitute a very powerful Puppet feature that
> parameterized classes cannot (currently) provide.
> I would not recommend anyone to use parameterized classes without
> understanding exactly why they are doing so and what it may cost
> them.  If the benefit justifies the cost, however, then go for it!
> John
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