----- Original Message -----
> Hi @all,
> don't know if this is the correct list for a question like this, but
> maybe someone knows. Is there a reason why mc-facts don't support
> facts with uppercase inside but mc-inventory does?

best place is the mcollective-users list

> thbe@ocean:~$ mc-facts custRole
> Could not call remote agent: Input fact does not match validation
> regex ^[a-z_0-9]+$
> thbe@ocean:~$ mc-inventory node1.domain.tld | grep custRole
> custRole => standard
> thbe@ocean:~$

you can tweak the rpcutil.ddl file changing the regex for this. It looks
like an oversight on my part, if you file a ticket at projects.puppetlabs.com
in the mcollective project I'll sort it for the next release

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