On 14-03-11 22:31, Brandon Metcalf wrote:
> I'm using the module https://github.com/sansnoc/puppet/tree/master/users
> but running into a problem where puppet can't find a class.  In /etc/
> puppet/manifests/nodes.pp I have
> node basenode {
>    include hosts
>    include groups::namidev
>    include users::people
>    include users::namidev
> }
> node 'util1.foo.com' inherits basenode {
> }
> In /etc/puppet/modules/users/manifests/init.pp I have
> class groups::namidev {
>     @group { "namidev":  ensure => present, gid => "2001", }
> }
> class users::namidev {
>     Useraccount <| pgroup == namidev |>
> }
> users::namidev is located fine, but not groups::namidev.  What am I
> doing wrong?

Your module is called 'users', so the classes in it should be named
users::something to be found by the autoloading mechanism. groups::namidev
doesn't work, it would only be found in a module named 'groups'.

Best regards,

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