On Mar 11, 2011, at 6:29 AM, Felix Frank wrote:

> On 03/08/2011 11:37 PM, Robin Bowes wrote:
>> Nigel suggested I posted this here - he likes the idea.
>> I'm constantly getting bitten by small typos in my manifests, eg. when I
>> do something like:
>> $var1 = extlookup('foo')
>> $var2 = extlookup('foo')
>> # set $var3 true if $var1 is same as $var2
>> $var3 = ($var1 == $var)
>> puppet allows this, and sets $var3 to false since $var is not the same
>> as $var1
>> I'd really like puppet to blow-up at this stage and tell me that I've
>> used an variable without defining it first. Those familiar with perl
>> will recognise this as "use strict;".
>> Thoughts?
> Do want. :-)


I''d wonder where you change the option though.  In the environment level 
options on the master?  Also, I'm thinking you'd also need a syntax that 
reverses it for looking at facts that might not exist for something like this:
to replace the expression:
if you don't know if the fact exists.  This might happen if the host's copy of 
factor hasn't been changed in a while and you don't want puppet to fail to 
compile the catalog that will update factor.

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