(sorry Sandor, I hit individual reply entirely by mistake earlier)

Sandor Szuecs:
> On Mar 1, 2011, at 12:14 PM, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> > Or is there already some easily-modifiable lint checker elsewhere?
> You probably want:
> puppet --parseonly <file.pp>
As of puppet 2.6.4 this does not print any parse trees that I can see.
Is there some extra-verbosity mode I can enable that will spit out the
AST in yaml or pson or something?

Your quotation of my request for a pre-existing easily-modifiable lint
checker suggests that you mean that the --parseonly mode has some
mechanism for specifying linter rules.  Is there some way I can warn
against particular syntactically-valid yet undesirable patterns of use
via --parseonly?  I would need to be able to specify these patterns

Schrödinger's cat was an observer.
WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!  Stop the silence!

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