I have a mostly working set of modules to replace our kickstart and
about a dozen scripts.

I am having issues with attempting to populate my AD account-owned
user folders in the initial puppet run.  The machines i am testing
with are all CentOS 5.5 so far.

I have defined 3 additional stages,
Stage [init] -> Stage [pre] -> Stage [main] -> Stage [post]
to attempt to fix this to no avail.  I have my Samba class defined in
pre, with my "make ad prod user folders" class defined in post.   I am
also managing my ldap.conf, system-auth-ac, nsswitch.conf all in the
initial stages.

I have an exec in my samba module to join the new servers to the
domain, a simple "net ads join -U adminaccount".

I see during --test runs, that the joindomain exec is scheduled to run
after the smb and krb5 files are puppettized.  Then way at the end of
my run I see puppet attempting to create my user folders, but it is
giving errors stating that the users do not exist.  However, as soon
as the catalog run finishes, the AD users are indeed recognized by id

A second run of puppet completes with no issues.

What am I missing to make sure that the AD user folders class is not
attempted before the join has happened?


Jim Goddard

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