
First, I'm sorry to hear you have any issues with puppetdoc (and before
you ask yourself why I started like this, I wrote the tool :).

On 07/02/11 20:19, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the best way to do my puppetdoc
> stuff.  I hope to have actual tutorial introductory "chapter" type
> documentation as well as individual module documentation, but it seems
> like all the examples I can find merely re-state the parameters that
> puppetdoc already noted.
> I'm trying to find a good whole-tree example for this, and all the
> examples I've been shown tend to be either a single .pp file and its
> output (oh boy!  One .pp file can become a hideous tangled mess of
> frames and three-lines-of-text-per-page HTML!) or a vague hand-wave
> toward "rdoc" and instructions to go read the sourceforge (wow are they
> still around?) pages on rdoc.

I would recommend having a look to Lab42 modules on Puppet Forge (or
github). Alessandro did an amazing job at commenting properly his
modules to work with puppetdoc.

> I saw someone say that it was good at finding "README" files, but:
>       puppetdoc --all --mode rdoc --modulepath ./modules/ --manifestdir 
> ./manifests/

Assuming you have modules in ./modules/ and manifests in ./manifests/,
then puppetdoc will generate an html tree in ./doc containing all your
nodes, classes and modules (and in your case resources).

> ...was unable to find ./manifests/README or ./manifests/README.rdoc or
> any other common combination. I tried using the :include: directive at
> this point, but it didn't seem to have the effect I expected.

Puppetdoc doesn't support a global manifests/README file.
It is only able to extract documentations from your comments embedded in
your actual manifests.
It is able, though, to use modules/mymodule/README as the cover for your

In any case adding --debug to your command line will show you what
puppetdoc parsed and understood.

Note that running with --all as you were doing, means that puppetdoc
will reference every found resources.

> I'm a little confused by
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Manifest_Documentation
> which seems to suggest that my puppetdoc comments need to immediately
> precede a class.  Is that a hard and fast rule?  

This is a hard rule in the sense that there shouldn't be a single blank
line between the comment and the puppet entity (be it a class, node,


# My super definition
# Use like this:
#   my_super_definition { "test": }
define my_super_definition() {

will work, but if you add a blank line between the comment and the
define keyword, puppetdoc will lose the comment.

> Can I not puppetdoc a
> node or an individual resource?  Can I not create structure in addition
> to that provided by the manifests themselves?

Puppetdoc generates the structure for you by understanding how your
classes fit, how your modules are layed out and used.

> Is this simply the wrong tool for my needs?  I was hoping for something
> a bit more useful than just "generate reams of API printouts for the
> mandatory documentation binder" software, but I'm getting worried that
> that's exactly what this is.  I want to build tutorial documentation as
> well as reference, but there appears to be a very heavy reference bias
> in the output I'm seeing.

Yes, this is a tool to produce the reference manual for your modules.

I don't think any automatic tool can produce the kind of documentation
you're trying to achieve, but if you can prove me wrong (especially in
the form of a patch or good suggestions that would be awesome).

If you follow the best practice to encapsulate your puppet code in
classes and modules, then I think puppetdoc can be a really good tool
(and you don't need the --all parameter in this case).

In any case, what is produced is a bunch of html files, which means you
can do whatever post-processing you want to them. If you just need to
include some static html files on top of this, then nothing prevents you
to do so :)

> I'd greatly appreciate any pointers to example manifest trees that make
> effective use of puppetdoc!

Hope that helped,
Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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