On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Matthew Ceroni wrote:

> I am using augeas to update the PAM configuration (ie: to LDAP enable my 
> systems).
> …
> My question is, is there a simpler way to do what I am doing. Meaning can I 
> combine all these seperate calls into one?

You didn’t say what OS this is for, but if it happens to be RHEL or CentOS, 
there’s a much easier way.

  # configure PAM for LDAP
  augeas { "authconfig":
    require => Augeas["ldapauth"],
    context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/authconfig",
    changes => [
      "set USELDAP yes",
      "set USELDAPAUTH yes",
      "set USEMKHOMEDIR yes",
      "set USELOCAUTHORIZE yes”,
  exec { "authconfig":
    path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin",
    command => "authconfig --updateall",
    subscribe => Augeas["authconfig"],
    refreshonly => true,

Of course you need to do a lot of other things as well (install packages, 
configure /etc/ldap.conf, distribute CA certs), but this covers the PAM stuff. 
The Augeas[“ldapauth”] line refers to /etc/ldap.conf, which Augeas can also 

If you’re on a different OS, let me know and I’ll see if there’s a simpler way 
to do the PAM stuff.

Rob McBroom

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