I have a file that is part of a software I am installing via puppet...
the file is constructed from a template, as it has a couple of fields
I wanna be able to change in the future.
The file is updated by the app itself, upon restart, which changes
just one field, in a key=val line...the result is that puppet rebuilds
the file, and becuase of depnedecy, restarts the app at each run.

Can I somehow say ignore that one line?

file { "splunk_outputs":
        owner   => splunk,
        group   => splunk,
        mode    => 644,
        require => [Package["splunk"]],
        path => "/opt/splunk/etc/system/local/outputs.conf",
        content => template("gu_splunk/outputs.conf.erb"), #but please
ignore line starting with: sslPassword=
        notify => Exec["restart"],

Thanks a lot.

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