On 18/01/11 18:12, Nigel Kersten wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Brice Figureau
> <brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com <mailto:brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com>>
> wrote:
>     On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 18:38 -0800, Nigel Kersten wrote:
>     > I'm trying to get a feel for the actual use cases for the Schedule
>     > type in Puppet.
>     Can you elaborate?
> I've never used them much, people don't talk about them a lot, and I
> want to get a feel for what people use them for :)

I think this is an under-estimated feature most people don't know about.

>     > Anyone care to help me out with some real world examples?
>     I'm using schedules so that my puppetd run "apt-get update" only once
>     per day.
> Interesting. How do you deal with pushing out a new repository? 

I'm afraid it never happened, so I never cared :)
But I suppose you can temporarily add a resource override with schedule
=> undef

Brice Figureau
My Blog: http://www.masterzen.fr/

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