On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:23 AM, Jake - USPS <jacob.m.mcc...@usps.gov> wrote:

> I am pretty new to puppet and am trying to POC different scenarios I
> would envision we would use this product for.  One scenario I ran into
> is setting a default kernel.sem value into /etc/sysctl.conf on linux
> systems that can be overridden by a custom kernel.sem value for
> systems that have specific applications installed that require a
> modified value for application tuning.
> So, as an example, I am setting the following as the default:
> kernel.sem = 16384 262144 128 1023
> So all systems should have the above value if they have no
> applications installed that would modify that.  On a system that would
> have Oracle DB installed, the value needs to be updated to:
> kernel.sem = 16384 262144 128 1024
> So the last value 1023 becomes 1024.
> So to define a system as being a DB system I created a fact that lists
> the applications a system will be used for:
> service => OracleDB, SCSP
> I then have in my site.pp:
> include system_defaults
> if $service =~ /OracleDB/ {
>  include app_oracle
> }
> system_defaults has:
> aug_conf::etc_sysctl_conf {
>      "kernel.sem": attr => "kernel.sem", value => "16384 262144 128
> 1023";
> }
> app_oracle has:
> aug_conf::etc_sysctl_conf {
>      "kernel.sem": attr => "kernel.sem", value => "16384 262144 128
> 1024";
> }
> The define code is:
>  define etc_sysctl_conf ( $attr = "", $value = "" ) {
>    # guid of this entry
>    $key = "$attr"
>    $context = "/files/etc/sysctl.conf"
>    $path_list  = "$attr"
>    $path_exact = "*[self::$attr=\"$value\"]"
>    augeas { "etc_sysctl_conf/$key":
>      context => "$context",
>      onlyif  => "match $path_exact size==0",
>      changes => [
>        # insert/modify new node at the end of tree
>        "set $path_list \"$value\"",
>      ],
>    }
>  }
Someone has developed a native sysctl type/provider, I would recommend
trying that out.


> So naturally this conflicts.  What I am doing as a workaround is I
> modified system_defaults to instead look like:
> # If not OracleDB
> if $service =~ /^((?!OracleDB).)*$/ {
>  aug_conf::etc_sysctl_conf {
>    "kernel.sem": attr => "kernel.sem", value => "16384 262144 128
> 1023";
>  }
> }
> This then makes things not conflict.  There are some issues with the
> solution I came up with though:
> 1) Seems awkward
> 2) I do not want to have to keep updating the list of applications
> that will also modify kernel.sem in my system_defaults recipe as they
> come about

I agree that this approach is less than idea.

Typically, if something needs to be overridable in Puppet, the best way is
to either use class inheritance, or expose a class parameter.

1. How to model with inheritance:

I have a base platform, which specifies my default settings for all

class role::base(
) {
    value => '16384 262144 128 1023'
  class {['ntp', 'mail', 'monitoring']:}

I have an oracle role that can overwrite some of the resources from its
parent class

class role::oracle(
) inherits role::base {
  Sysctl['sem'] {
    value => '16384 262144 128 1024'
  class { 'oracle':}

This approach does have some limitations (namely that a node may represent
more than one role)

2. Managing overridable configuration settings as parameters:

In my base role, I expose the ability to set sem in sysctl as a part of the

class role::base(
  $sysctl_sem = '16384 262144 128 1023'
) {
    value => $sysctl_sem

now, my oracle role should also declare its base configuration, and specify
a value for sysctl_sem:

class role::oracle(
) {
  class {'platform':
    sysctl_sem => '16384 262144 128 1024'

I would tend to use something like #2, except declare both role::oracle and
role::base from an external node classifier (although they do not currently
support param classes, patch pending ;) ) like the Dashboard so that I can
specify the data overrides externally to Puppet.

> I feel like I am not understanding something completely on how I
> should be designing this for puppet.  If anyone has any suggestions
> please let me know.  Also, if you require more information let me
> know.
> Thanks,
> Jake
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