On 01/05/2011 12:49 PM, Cosimo Streppone wrote:
> Here's a problem I didn't really think about for
> so long. I'm kind of hoping somebody solved it
> already :)
> I'm working on a "geoip" module that among other
> things, installs a cronjob to update the geoip
> databases periodically.
> Now the cronjob is just a plain file resource
> that puppet drops into '/etc/cron.d/'.
> == Problem ==
> Doing that on 50 machines will result
> in all of them trying to download the geoip dbs
> at the same time.
> == Possible solutions ==
> 1) prepend the cronjob task with "perl -e 'sleep rand 3600' ; "
>    or equivalent
> 2) have a puppet template "randomize" the cron minute, hour and
>    eventually day.
> == Question ==
> About 2), how do I randomize a template and have puppet avoid
> replacing it whenever there's a new run?
> Is there a way to do this?

Yes. Ideally:


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