On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:17 PM, hai wu <haiwu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does it mean mod_passenger RPM package for 2.2.11 is not recommended going
> forward? I had to run the built-in script from rubygem-passenger to build
> passenger module for apache earlier since no such RPM package was available
> from both repositories ..

I use passenger 2.2.11 quite often.  You're welcome to use the 2.2.11 RPM's
located at http://yum.puppetlabs.com/prosvc/  The recommendation I'm making
is to pull down the RPM's and place them into your own local yum repository
so you're protected if we move or update the RPM's in the prosvc repository.

Hope this helps,
Jeff McCune

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