> However, a quick grep yields zero before and require parameters in your
> module - where are those orderings you rely on?

  Thanks for your input.   It helps alot.
  WRT to the dependencies I've started using the 2.6 notation of
stating resource ordering like this

  Packages::Install["CHKdenyhosts"] -> File["/opt/sfw/etc/
denyhosts.cfg"] -> File["/opt/sfw/sbin/daemon-control"] ~>

  I liked the ability to have the dependencies stand alone at the top
of manifests from a readability stand point.

  Thanks again.

> >   Any input to help broaden my puppet horizons is welcome.
> >   TIA.  deet.
> I believe you should review the documentation wrt. define vs. class.
> Both concepts have their places and it is very important to understand
> what the respective uses are.
> HTH,
> Felix

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