On Dec 15, 12:42 pm, Brice Figureau <brice-pup...@daysofwonder.com>
> On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 00:24 -0800, Chris wrote:
> > Hi
> > I recently upgraded my puppet masters (and clients) from 0.24.8 to
> > 2.6.4
> > Previously, my most busy puppet master would hover around about 0.9
> > load  average, after the upgrade, its load hovers around 5
> > I am running passenger and mysql based stored configs.
> > Checking my running processes, ruby (puppetmasterd) shoots up to 99%
> > cpu load and stays there for a few seconds before dropping again.
> > Often there are 4 of these running simultaneously, pegging each core
> > at 99% cpu.
> I would say it is perfectly normal. Compiling the catalog is a hard and
> complex problem and requires CPU.
> The difference between 0.24.8 and 2.6 (or 0.25 for what matters) is that
> some performance issues have been fixed. Those issues made the master be
> more I/O bound under 0.24, but now mostly CPU bound in later versions.

If we were talking about only cpu usage, I would agree with you.  But
in this case, the load average of the machine has gone up over 5x.
And as high load average indicates processes not getting enough
runtime, in this case it is an indication to me that 2.6 is performing
worse than 0.24 (previously, on average, all processes got enough
runtime and did not have to wait for system resources, now processes
are sitting in the run queue, waiting to get a chance to run)

> I don't really get what is the issue about using 100% of CPU?
Thats not the issue, just an indication of what is causing it

> You're paying about the same price when your CPU is used and when it's
> idle, so that shouldn't make a difference :)
Generally true, but this is a on VM which is also running some of my
radius and proxy instances, amongst others.

> If that's an issue, reduce the concurrency of your setup (run less
> compilation in parallel, implement splay time, etc...).
splay has been enabled since 0.24

My apache maxclients is set to 15 to limit concurrency.

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