
I am using puppet to mirror a directory of files, if any of these
change then processes need to be restarted.

class snort {

    package {
        ["snort", "perl-Archive-Tar", "barnyard2", "perl-libwww-perl", "perl-
           ensure => present;
    } # package

        managehome => true,
        home => '/home/snort',
        ensure => present;

   file {
            mode    => "640",
           owner   => snort,
           group   => snort,
           source => 'puppet:///modules/snort/Rules/raw',
          recurse =>  true,
           recurselimit => 1,
           backup => false,
           ensure => present;


This mirrors the files fine....

in another class:
class monitor  {

   class pulledpork ( $master) {
       exec {
          "/home/snort/bin/pulledpork -nc conf/$master/pp.conf":
          cwd => "/home/snort",
          subscribe => [File["/home/snort/conf/$master/pp", "/home/
snort/Rules/raw"] ],
          notify => Service["snort.$master"],
          user => "snort";



i.e. what I want to do is run pulled pork if its config or any of the
raw rule files change.

What happens is that PP gets run every time:

notice: /Stage[main]/Snort/File[/home/snort/Rules/raw]/checksum:
checksum changed '{mtime}Fri Dec 10 16:02:04 +1300 2010' to '{mtime}
Fri Dec 10 16:05:00 +1300 2010'
info: /Stage[main]/Snort/File[/home/snort/Rules/raw]: Scheduling
refresh of Exec[/home/snort/bin/pulledpork -nc conf/dmzi/pp.conf]

it would seem that each time puppet runs the mtime on the directory is
changed and this triggers an event next time...

How should I work around this?  I would rather not enumerate all the
files in the directory...

Thanks, Russell.

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