On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Nick <oinksoc...@letterboxes.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> A problem I've run into during my first attempts at writing manifests, is
> knowing what possible facts are available, and for a given fact, what values 
> my
> manifest might encounter.
> A classic one is the possible values of $operatingsystem, but it applies to 
> all
> sorts of facts.
> Of course, I know that not all facts can be enumerated, but I had expected 
> there
> be a catalog of common facts and their values somewhere, but there seems not 
> to
> be.  The Facter page [1] and API documentation [2] give rather scanty
> information about anything, yet alone list any values.  Ultimately I've been
> forced to search out the source code and infer the values from that.
> Then there is the question of how consistent the list of facts and their 
> values
> are from version to version of Puppet/Facter. That is even harder to discover
> from the source code.
> How do other people tackle this problem?

It is straightforward to get a complete list of facter values in your
environment. Here's a ruby script that collects all facts gathered in
puppet master /var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts directory and provide a
summarized view: http://pastie.org/1317925.

{"value"=>"# of system reporting value"...}

Sample output:
{"1.5.7"=>5, "1.5.1"=>10, "1.3.5"=>1}
{"testing/unstable"=>2, "testing"=>3, "5.0.3"=>1}
{"Debian"=>11, "CentOS"=>5}

It's not pretty, but should give you all values in your environment.
If the # of systems doesn't add up, then it's a fact that's not
present on some systems. In the example above there was 16 servers,
but lsb* only have 6 server reporting, because lsb_release wasn't
install on all systems.



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