"russell.fulton" <russell.ful...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have a class in a file monitor/manifest/masters/dmzo:


> and I get the error:
> "Could not find value for 'rule_categories' at /etc/puppet/modules/
> monitor/manifests/init.pp:62"
> I have tried qualifying the name by prefixing it with dmzo:: and dmzo.  then
> I get same error for 'dmzo'.  I assume I need to qualify the variable name
> but don't know how.

I like to keep this visible in the manifest by doing this:

class foo { $quux = 'one' }
class bar {
  include foo
  $quux = $foo::quux

...but you can also do this in the erb:

  <%= scope.lookupvar('dmzo::rule_categories') %>

This is documented in here:

Oh, and one final template gotcha: various Ruby reserved words can't be used
as template variables.  Those include a few like 'fork' that you might
otherwise think to use in rules like yours.

Just in case you find yourself wondering why they don't work as expected. :)

✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉ dan...@rimspace.net            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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