
I'm trying to manage our Hadoop cluster with Puppet but there are a
few challenges. The one I'm facing now is managing the following.

I've got an array variable depending on the type of server:
$hadoop_disks = ['/mnt/disk1', '/mnt/disk2', ...]

Depending on the classes I include for each role there needs to be a
different directory structure on all those disks.

Namenode + Datanode = /mnt/diskX/hadoop/dfs
Jobtracker + Tasktracker = /mnt/diskX/hadoop/mapred

Each directory (/hadoop, /hadoop/dfs, /hadoop/mapred) has different
permissions and both roles can be on the same server (Namenode +

I've tried multiple different things but I wasn't able to find a
solution that works. This is what I thought about doing:

base class:

define hadoop_main_directory() {
  file { "${name}/hadoop":
    ensure  => directory,
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "hadoop",

define hadoop_sub_directory($path, $user) {
  file { "${name}/hadoop/${path}":
    ensure  => directory,
    owner   => $user,
    group   => "hadoop",
    require => Hadoop_main_directory[$name],

And in each of the four classes a definition like

hadoop_sub_directory { $hadoop_disks:
  path    => "dfs",
  owner   => "hdfs",

But I guess that doesn't work because a resource may be managed multiple times.

Any ideas how to solve this? I can provide more details. Our
configuration is also on github[1] but it's not working right now and
probably not very pretty. First time I've used Puppet and learning on
the go...


[1] https://github.com/lfrancke/gbif-puppet

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