I use tmz's puppetstatus scripts [1] [2] and they work great for checking the
last run time from Nagios.  I also have reports setup w/ tagmail to send me
anything with "err" in it.


[1] http://markmail.org/message/m6xi34aljso4w5qq
[2] http://tmz.fedorapeople.org/scripts/puppetstatus/

On 11/11/2010 09:09 AM, Tim wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering how people here monitor puppet runs on the clients.
> For puppet 0.25.x I enabled reporting and then wrote a nagios plugin
> to parse the YAML report files that each client returned after a run.
> Specifically I was looking for any 'failures' or 'failed_restarts'.
> Unfortunately with 2.6.2 the format of those YAML files has not only
> changed but also varies hugely for different hosts depending on how
> the run went. Plus the sheer size of these files now means it takes
> too long for PyYAML to parse them (even for only 40 odd hosts).
> In fact, I don't understand what the YAML reports are useful for -
> they don't appear to realistically be either human or machine
> readable.
> Anyway what other approaches are there? I'd like to simply see 2
> things:
> 1) If there were any failures during the puppet run on the client
> 2) When the last puppet run on each client was (ie. if it was more
> than 50 mins ago raise a warning)

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