On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:52 AM, Walter Heck <walterh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm runnign debian lenny and that has puppet 0.24.5 in it. Lenny-
> backports ahs Puppet 2.6.2 in it, which is what I want. How do I make
> puppet update itself through puppet recipes? I already had it create
> an /etc/apt/preferences, where I pin backports at 900 and lenny stable
> at 700. Is that correct? I don't want to have to run apt-get update /
> apt-get upgrade / any other command on the nodes at all, but I don't
> know how :)

You can't get around running an `apt-get update` but you can do that
from an exec resource in an earlier run stage.

stage { pre: before => Stage["main"] }
exec { "apt-get update": stage => "pre" }

You'll probably want to do your backports setup before the `apt-get
update` in your early run stage, too.


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