
For some reason I do not seems to be able to get 'tag' working...

env : EC2 Ubuntu, puppet version 2.6.1 (client and puppetmaster)

example of my nodes.pp file

class puppet_tagged {
        if  tagged("fly-puppet") {
                file { "/tmp/fly_puppet_server":
                        ensure => "present",
                        mode   => "444",
                        owner  => "root",
                        group  => "root"

        if tagged("fly-default") {
                file { "/tmp/fly_puppet_default":
                        ensure => "present",
                        mode   => "444",
                        owner  => "root",
                        group  => "root"

node basenode {
        tag ("fly-puppet")
        include puppet_tagged
        include fly-base
        include fly-nrpe::base
        include fly-munin::client

# Default, undefined nodes always gets this
# No classs installed, just a 'tagged puppet default' file.
node default {
        tag ("fly-default")
        include puppet_tagged

node "coco" inherits basenode   {
        include puppet_tagged
        include fly-memcached

and the file under /tmp/ never gets created!

any hint?


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