James Turnbull wrote:
> We're back with a maintenance release: 2.6.3.  This
> release addresses some issues in the 2.6.2 release.

For those using Fedora or RHEL/CentOS, I've updated the yum repos at:


Packages for EL 4 - 6 and Fedora 12 - 14 are available for testing.
Add the puppet.repo file from either the epel or fedora directories to
/etc/yum.repos.d to enable.

If you find problems with the packaging, please let me know.  If you
find other bugs, please file them in redmine:


I'm particularly interested in anyone updating from 0.25.x to 2.6.x
and whether you run into regressions or other issues that would make
this an unsuitable update to push into the stable Fedora and EPEL

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
What George Washington did for us was to throw out the British, so
that we wouldn't have a fat, insensitive government running our
country. Nice try anyway, George.
    -- D.J. on KSFO/KYA

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