On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 3:46 PM, Bruce Richardson <itsbr...@workshy.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 02:59:28PM +0200, Héctor Rivas Gándara wrote:
>> Also, from my tests I checked that the parameters (please correct me if I am
>> wrong):
>>  - Are stored in global scope: All classes has access to it.
> No.  The parameters have "node" scope.  Any class included within the
> node will be able to see the node's values.

Ok, thanks.

But I still don't have really clear the different scopes. Do you know
any clear documentation about it. A simple diagram like this woud be

 Scope precedence: Subclass => Included Class => Parent Class =>
Global => Node??

>> But I do not like too much the extlookup solution because:
>>  * I can not define a common subset of groups that all host will inheret
>> (except the ones that overwrite this value). May be using again the
>> "default_connect_allowed_groups" variable.
> There's no nice way to do it.  Aas I understand it, Puppet's external
> nodes code doesn't support arrays, let alone appending to arrays.  Every
> time I look at using external node classifiers, I walk away from it
> again.  If I were managing sites of such a scale that it were
> unavoidable, I'd be an unhappy person (time to dust off the Ruby
> skills).

First: I have to say you that external nodes DOES support arrays, just
writing [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

Well, I think that a fast solution could be create a "wrapper" script
(an script that parses and modifies the output of the other) for
external nodes that would implement simple inheritance and other
parameter substitution.
We could add a section "super: <name>" and allow the use of reference
to other parameters (of actual node or parents) into the parameters.

Something like this:

   - name: linuxserver
       connect_allowed_groups: ["group1", "group2"]
       - linux

   - name: node1.mydomain.com
      super: linux
       connect_allowed_groups: %{connect_allowed_groups}+["group3"]

   - name: node2.mydomain.com
      super: linux
       connect_allowed_groups: ["group1", "group3"]

This way we could easily implement inheritance in all external nodes
Héctor Rivas

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