Hi all,

I'm going out of my mind trying to get my head around inheritance in Puppet 

I have a module named smtp which contains a number of classes for setting up 
the various configurations that we have for SMTP Servers based on Exim.

I have a class called SMTP which has a service defined as "exim".

I have a sub-class named smtpexternal which contains a configuration file 
provided from the smtp module and which needs to notify the "exim" service 
defined in the smtp class.

The simplified version is as follows:

class smtp {

        package {"exim-mysql":
                ensure => 'installed';

                ensure => stopped,

                ensure => absent,

        # sendmail uninstalls the LSB, so we need to re-install it here... :(
                ensure => installed;

        iptables{"SMTP Access for Exim":
                proto => "tcp",
                dport => "25",
                jump => "ACCEPT",
        service{ "exim":
                ensure => "running",
                hasrestart => true,

class smtpexternal{

        include 'mysql'

                source => "puppet:///modules/smtp/external-exim.conf",
                owner => "root",
                group => "mail",
                mode => "440",
                path => "/etc/exim/exim.conf",
                notify => Service['exim']

The issue I have is that when I include the smtp::smtpexternal class on a 
node, it errors with the following:

err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find dependent 
Service[exim] for File[external-exim.conf] at 

How do I get smtpexternal to notify smtp's exim service - or am I approaching 
this from the wrong direction?

Thanks in advance,


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