----- "CraftyTech" <hmmed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback Matt, but no, it didn't work.  Here's the
> repo
> I'm trying to define:
>      yumrepo { "domain_OMSA":
>      baseurl => $productname ? {
>      "PowerEdge 2650" => 'http://build.dev.domain.com:1234/OMSA5.5',
>      default => 'http://build.dev.domain.com:1234/OMSA6.2' },
>      descr => "domain's OMSA Repo for $operatingsystem-$architecture-
> $operatingsystemrelease ",
>      enabled => 1,
>      gpgcheck => 0
>      }
> So far I've tried "PowerEdge 2650", "${PowerEdge 2650}", 'PowerEdge
> 2650', "PowerEdge\ 2650", and none have worked so far.  It keeps just
> using using the default URL.

you might have some trailing spaces in your fact value.

do a notify("The product is: '${productname}'": } and look in the logs 

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