Hi guys,

I hope you can help me, I looked for it on the list and on the website but I
didn't find any response to my problem.

Context : I would like to centralize the package management of my nodes by
using a database which would answer me with all the packages ( including
package names, configuration file paths and service names ) that might be
installed on a node through the external node script.

I made this definition :

define install_packages($package, $conf_file, $service) {
  package {
    $package {
      ensure => installed,
      provider => whatever,

  file {
    $conf_file {
      path => "$conf_file",
      ensure => present,
      require => Package[$package]

  service {
    $service {
      ensure => running,
      provider => whatever,
      subscribe => [Package[$package], File[$conf_file]],

My external node script answer me something like :

- class1
- class2
- ...
package_list: [[ntp, /etc/ntp.conf, ntpd ], [nscd, /etc/nscd.conf, nscd
].... ]

But I can't find the correct syntax to extract the information from the
package_list parameter to the puppet configuration.

So my questions :
- is that possible?
- am I doing it the wrong way ( the main question!! )?
- does anyone already experienced such configuration?




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